Assalamualaikum wbt,
I am currently reading a book - The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.
Frankly, i hate reading. to be more exact, i despise reading. more on reading non-fiction books.
I seriously don't know how i managed to pass my degree and mba... haha..
Anyway, when k ween suggested for me to read The Secret, i gracefully accept only because i respect her too much to tell her i am a lousy reader.. but, Alhamdulillah, the book really did change my perspective.. and to tell u the truth, i am only at page 40 now, and already it have give impact to me.. (sorry k ween, saya janji akan habiskan baca buku tu secepat mungkin!)
I would suggest this book to everyone. Just read it and see how it can change your perspective..and eventually your life.. with izin Allah, of course :)
P/s: Yup, mama hutang entry on Nadrah's birthday... jap ye sayang. :)
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