Monday, December 20, 2010

Hectic Weekend

Assalamualaikum wbt,

My weekend was full! My sister and my brother came. The kids had a blast, but the parents were pancit. Penat la mengejar budak2, especially us since our kids are the smallest bunch, hence needs constant observation, their cousins are bigger so my brother and sister takde la nak pengsan sgt. huhu..

Anyway, all worth it when i look at these pictures, Muaz really enjoys himself. He even went to bed at 2 am, the other cousins only sleeps in araound 4 am ++. I really don't know how they managed to stay awake.

 painting session
 makan maggie session
bergambar session

and on sunday ujan lebat kat rumah, i went looking for muaz, tgk2, tgh main hujan with his cousins... with daddy looking after smbil baca paper atas pangkin. Pasrah sungguh. Asked lia to goreng pisang and i made same hot tea. best makan goreng pisang panas + teh o panas. Sekejap je habis 2 ikat pisang goreng :D

Oh, this is the first time we are introducing our pangkin. as i told hubby, mmg berbaloi beli, money very much worth spent! We like to sit there in the morning (kalau bgn pagi la) and during afternoon - kids play around and us either reading paper or me reading buku cerita (with lots of distractions of course!)

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