Monday, August 16, 2010


Assalamualaikum wbt,

At looonnggg last, I've managed to finish my MBA. After 3 years of sweat and blood (betul ada blood ok, i beranak 2 org during my master program), akhirnya alhamdulillah, settle. :)

My parents and siblings came to KL for my convo, well actually my parents came for the convo, my siblings came coz mama paksa to celebrate birthday Abah.. hehe...

before the convo, we had family gatherings for birthday abah:

lots of food. my sister yang jadi chef masak nasik minyak, ayam kurma, daging kerutuk, etc etc.

I tolong order kek and buat acar je :)

The convo day:

kecoh coz i did not see the vidoe of how to wear the robe. I did not know it was so complicated! huhu...

my mama and abah - always sedondon + my MIL :)

me and my beloved hubby! kids? hantar bbsitter semua since my session was afternoon + takut depa moody.

That's me! tgh tersengih lebar to Raja Nazri, UM's Pro Chansellor.

It was a great day. Thanks all for the support.. especially to my family and my kids. Hopefully their sacrifices will enable me to make better changes for our family. insyaAllah. :)


hajja said...

best gila lah
i support u

unique1012 said...

tahniah kak ija! :)

Manggapintu said...

congratulations!legaaaa dah habis kan!

Unknown said...

Hajar, sure dah pi teaming with passion nie.

Thanks nabilah! :)

liza, lega gilerrss!!

amira said...

i'm not there!!