Thursday, January 14, 2010

At last on the 8th day..

Assalamualaikum wbt,

At long last, on the 8th day Muhammad Muaz does not cry when i left him at the taska today! Yahuu!! :)

Lega hati. Alhamdulillah. :D

This weekend we are going to ToysrUs or Toy city to buy him a big car - upah sbb baik sgt! :) .. parents making up to their children with toys / luxury items; to compensate for not being there for them.. huhu..

Hopefully cepat la aku dpt keje yang boleh balik kol 3pm or only works 3-4 days/ week! mana tu ek? any suggestion?!

1 comment:

Zuraimah Ismail said...

jadik cikgu la weh.....