Friday, March 27, 2009

Muaz on joy ride!


This picture was taken at Jusco Equine.. maybe last 2 weeks kot. This is the first time Muaz was in a shopping cart. Before this we always put him in stroller where he is strapped securely.

Suheimy punye la susah hati takut dia terjun from the cart.. hehe..

p/s: we feel that our now toddler baby is growing so fast, skarang nie pantang nampak apa2 yang boleh dipanjat, he will smile sweetly to us before proceeding to panjat it. kira cam mintak consent kot.. sabo je la.


unique1012 said...

kak ija,
kurus dah nampak muaz skrg, mesti sbb lasak kan?!.. tengokla aksi dia dlm trolley tu, hehe..

a.z.i.l.a said...

muaz sgt cute..hehe.. tulah die nmpk cm dh kurus sket..