Monday, May 26, 2008

Muaz posing...

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Hari nie pagi2 lagi dah HAPPY coz nampak gambar muaz kat fotopages kc! Gambar time kitaorg pg outdoor photoshoot @ bukit Jalil on 18th May lepas. Tak sabar nak tgk seme gambar2 tu..

KC, cepat la upload gambar! huhu... :)
Btw, kalau korang nak beroutdoor potrait, visit la website KC, cantik wooo gambar2 dia!! Visit her fotopages.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


suamiku yg macho ;)

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Huhu... Suheimy outstation! At times like this I sometimes feels like i'm taking my hubby's presence for granted. When he is around i don't have to think about taking out the garbage, pasang ubat nyamuk, kunci pintu, bukak pintu pagar, angkat barang masuk kereta.. and the list goes on.. but since yesterday, seme kene buat sendiri... huhu...

I rarely says thank you for all the great2 things you've brought into my live sayang. But I know that you know how much you meant to me. :)

Huhu... rindu suamiku!! Come back home fast ye sayang.. :(

Friday, May 16, 2008

My good friend "turtle"

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Today, somehow tetiba nama "Rahmatul Naain" comes into my mind. Rindu betul rasa kat kawan baik time sekolah menengah nie. Kitaorg panggil dia "Turtle"... for no apparent reason... tak igt dah kenapa panggil dia turtle.. Btw, dia comel tau, not at all like a turtle :D
so, i end up Google her name and guess what?! i found her! immediately emailed her. Tried to call her office but no answer (ye la time nie opis dah tutup laa..)
Hopefully it's a valid email address.

So to "Turtle": Reply la email! lama betul tak dgr citer.. huhu...

Friday, May 09, 2008

I'm sad..

I'm sad coz i miss my muaz.

I'm sad coz i want to go home early.

I'm sad coz i there's nothing i can do to correct this.

..... still at the office.......

Mother's Day

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Yeaay.. Mother's day is near.. 3 days to go. I miss my mother so much. She is growing older, yet i rarely sees her now, since my parents move to Kelantan. I opposed their decision to move to Kelantan from the beginning, my argument is Kelantan is too far, if they decide to settle down in Kuantan, then we would be seing them every 2-3 months since we always go back to Kuantan, to visit our daugther's grave. *Sigh*

But, lastly i mengalah since, ye la, dah diaorg nak jugak.. we, the children would have to put more effort to go and see them, they are after all the parents! Kekadang aku terpikir, bayangkanlah betapa byknye pengorbanan mama kat aku, dgn pergi hantar sekolah, pegi hantar uni, pg hantar kerja, aku duk kat sekolah asrama dulu berapa byk kali mama n abah datang. aku kat uni pun berapa kali mama n abah dtg, dah kerja and kawin pun datang jugak lagi tgk aku.

Aku nie, nak ambik cuti and balik kampung pun nak berkira. Patut ke camtu?! Mmg la sibuk, byk aktiviti, time weken la nak rehat.. etc..etc.. abih tu, mak abah kita dulu tak ke camtu jugak? mereka pun mesti penat and nak rehat, tapi demi anak boleh je berkorban... huhu.. rindu mama!

Teringat kata-kata suamiku masa kami mula-mula kawin "Kalau aeimy nak pegi tolong mak jaga kedai, ija jgn la sedih. Katakanlah kalau aeimy mati masa on the way nak pg tolong mak jaga kedai, aeimy harap aeimy mati syahid". Syahid kerana niat tolong mak kerana Allah. Anak lelaki, mesti lah lebihkan mak dulu baru isteri, ye tak? Mudah-mudahan hati aku sentiasa redha menerima hakikat ini.. :)

Yes, mak mentua ialah ibu kita jugak, treat them sama macam mak kita. I love my mother and i love my mother is law too. :)


p/s: nak letak gambar mama & mak, tapi takde plak kat dlm pc opis nie.. so buh gambar muaz la.. (err..tak tau la ape kaitannye..hehe :)